When writing this, I was rather angry at the ongoing events of the war, and also having a bit of jet lag returning to the States. When I arrived, I discovered that much of what I was reading is actually blocked in the Anglosphere. Turns out, the American Regime doesn’t like it when you try to read Russian state information releases. For that reason, I’m adding this little edit in. I spoke and reacted in anger not realizing the level of censorship in the Anglosphere. The Dissident Right and many people I mentioned simply did not have access to much of what I wrote asking why they hadn’t read it. They couldn’t. So if you do decide to read this, recognize that I wrote it in ignorance of this. Things, it seems, are far worse in the States than when I left.
When war came to The Ukraine, I was just as eager to watch the Empire of Lies take another L. After the Scramble from Afghanistan, and the Aristocratic Seething of inflation - as well as innumerable an uncountable moments throughout the Fumbling of Mandates - I felt that a nice cherry on the top would be the loss of one of the Global American Empire’s borderlands would be a sweet show. The irony was not lost on me that Ukraine stems from the word for a frontier, or a Юг Край “South Edge” (Youg-Krai). In many ways, Ukraine was still an edge territory, just of a new master.
But! As the opening days of the invasion started, I noticed something that would likely play into effect. March is when The Ukraine drops below freezing. I suspected that if Russia went too slow, they would find a new addition to the saying “Never invade Russia in Winter” with “Never invade The Ukraine in Spring”.
I made my sentiments known on the day of the invasion.
The endless stream of people I pissed off with this and other tweets in favor of Ukraine continues to grow even as I write this. Let me be firm in declaring: I don’t care. Your addiction to triple distilled copium is not my problem.
Those familiar with my bothersome and problematic tweeting is that I treat such things like a game, usually a math or probability game. I run the numbers, and let them do the arguing. Time and time again, this has proven a successful strategy of being ahead of the curve of the popular sentiment. Back in 2020, I was not at all confident Trump would win because of simple numbers: Poll workers and managers were mostly democrats that year, and so was the tech used to run the shambles of an election. I went on AI Shire’s stream and others, and I made my sentiments known that Trump was going to lose. It was simple probability. Everyone was so distracted with what Trump said, I didn’t cope when election day came. I hoped Trump would beat the odds, sure. I didn’t want this dementia patient as my president, and that’s not even a political statement. I’ve always been a lower centrist on the political compass. I voted for Hilary for Christ’s sake. Not because I liked her, because I didn’t like that Trump ruined my math back then. Things are less predictable. But, the Democrats learned and did as they do. And so they elected the bumbling idiot…
…and the Right wing copium reserves blew from overpressure.
Everything from Q to “Alien Man” was considered. Hell, I wasn't immune. I really did find some things fishy after the election. And January 6th was certainly a surprise. But sure enough, the copium reserves burned clear through, and eventually we all came to accept the fact that the election was lost, either honestly or dishonestly. Hell, some of us came to enjoy the thought of an idiot at the stern while the ship of state headed into inflation.
But, to get to the point, this post is about Ukraine. It’s about dealing with Right wing copium. And I’ll start with a recent substack post by Charlemagne, who I greatly appreciate for being my own introduction to reactionary thinking. Charlie’s post on Putin’s war goals can be found here. I encourage all to read it first.
Yes, Charlie puts out a great idealistic picture of Russia’s goals. But the problem is, he’s not including all the goals. These are very selective quotes. In fact the first red flag I took note of while preparing this response was the date he chose to start his quote library on: February 24th. I ask why? Because Putin gave a speech on February 21st which was also related to Ukraine, and also laid out several goals and contexts. This speech, unlike the 24th one, goes very direct on Putin’s opinion on Ukraine. Namely, that he doesn’t believe it has a right to exist, and that regime change is in order. Let me expand on that:
So, I will start with the fact that modern Ukraine was entirely created by Russia or, to be more precise, by Bolshevik, Communist Russia. This process started practically right after the 1917 revolution, and Lenin and his associates did it in a way that was extremely harsh on Russia – by separating, severing what is historically Russian land. Nobody asked the millions of people living there what they thought.
Then, both before and after the Great Patriotic War, Stalin incorporated in the USSR and transferred to Ukraine some lands that previously belonged to Poland, Romania and Hungary. In the process, he gave Poland part of what was traditionally German land as compensation, and in 1954, Khrushchev took Crimea away from Russia for some reason and also gave it to Ukraine. In effect, this is how the territory of modern Ukraine was formed.
Let’s not dilly dally with semantics. Putin here is outlining his justification for taking Crimea in 2014, for taking the eastern sections in 2022, and for taking the rest in due course. I will not listen to any copium about only intending to take the east when by his own accounts, the entirety of the land - save perhaps a part that is owed to Poland - is rightfully Russian. Slicing and dicing this speech and trying to make exceptions is nothing short of cope. Putin wants what’s historically Russian. He outlines here his justification for taking what is rightfully Russian. Withdrawing from those parts today is not falling back on a February 24th outline. It’s failing to accomplish goals and reducing them. He outlined here, three days earlier, broader goals.
Elsewhere in the speech, Putin elaborates with his famous “Decommunization”, a line the dissident right gobbled up, and rightly so! If it were only the truth…
I am not trying to put the blame on anyone. The situation in the country at that time, both before and after the Civil War, was extremely complicated; it was critical. The only thing I would like to say today is that this is exactly how it was. It is a historical fact. Actually, as I have already said, Soviet Ukraine is the result of the Bolsheviks’ policy and can be rightfully called “Vladimir Lenin’s Ukraine.” He was its creator and architect. This is fully and comprehensively corroborated by archival documents, including Lenin’s harsh instructions regarding Donbass, which was actually shoved into Ukraine. And today the “grateful progeny” has overturned monuments to Lenin in Ukraine. They call it decommunization.
You want decommunization? Very well, this suits us just fine. But why stop halfway? We are ready to show what real decommunizations would mean for Ukraine.
Why stop half-way, Charlemagne? Why pretend like he only wants to decommunize Donbass? Putin has said very frankly that his goals are regime change in Ukraine. Stop coping and face the facts that Russia did not accomplish these goals, and is downsizing them.
But Putin goes further, least we leave any room for doubt:
Even two years before the collapse of the USSR, its fate was actually predetermined. It is now that radicals and nationalists, including and primarily those in Ukraine, are taking credit for having gained independence. As we can see, this is absolutely wrong. The disintegration of our united country was brought about by the historic, strategic mistakes on the part of the Bolshevik leaders and the CPSU leadership, mistakes committed at different times in state-building and in economic and ethnic policies. The collapse of the historical Russia known as the USSR is on their conscience.
Why does Charlemagne ignore this call to erase Ukrainian sovereignty in favor of historic Russia? Because it doesn’t fit the message now that Russia is incapable of ending Ukraine’s sovereignty. Instead Charlemagne focuses on a speech a few days later and ignores this one. Selective quoting is not evidence that everything is going to plan for Russia. It’s evidence of cope.
But Charlemagne does get one thing right. Putin is not crazy. This asinine western thinking is its own kind of cope for Russia’s economic outmaneuvering of the impotent American infrastructure fracturing at the seams. On this Charlie is right on cue with deep analysis of an obviously failing super power that is the GAE. Putin has not, and never has, displayed any form of incompetence in his own dealings with Western aggression. And why would we expect him to? This is a top KGB agent going up against lawyers and businessmen. It’s a bloody joke to expect the west to win. But likewise, the Ukrainians have come to believe in their own right to exist. This will not be like the Afghani government surrendering before the Taliban.
But back to Putin, he appears to show his personal view later that same day, at a security council. In the transcript, Putin says the following:
Speaking about the situation surrounding the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic, it is quite clear – at least, I think so, and our colleagues have just confirmed this in their remarks – essentially, Ukraine does not need these territories. In any case, they are a bargaining chip in the tug of war over the status of Ukraine. The residents of these territories have not received any support or assistance from the Ukrainian authorities for many years now. On the contrary, they are subjected to mass reprisals, such as shelling attacks, depriving them of basic amenities and violating basic human rights.
Here, we can see very clearly that Putin, while personally favoring annexing Ukraine, is also predicting fail-safes if that invasion fails. If they can’t take Ukraine, holding the Eastern Provinces can be a bargaining chip to deal with the Ukrainians.
In this, Charlemagne is correct that Russia has thought out this invasion. But here, we see Putin has admitted that, however this tug of war goes, Donbass is to be held to bargain with Ukraine if they should gain an upper hand.
And lo, that’s exactly what happened.
From this, I believe it is very obvious that Russia has failed in its initial goals of taking Ukraine down. And I will not listen to any copium that says this was not the goal. Putin said on the 21st this was the goal, and should that fail, they will hold Donbass to negotiate with Ukraine. And now, as the invasion has failed, this is exactly what is happening. Russia has failed to take Ukraine, and will now occupy just the East to force a negotiation.
Ah, but then Charlie may declare it was just to demilitarize Ukraine. To some extent Charlie is right. Russia has indeed crippled Ukraine’s military production capacity. But why would this matter? Ukraine borders one of the most anti-Russian states on Earth: Poland. Exactly how does Poland dumping tons of NATO hardware and British NLAWs make Ukraine demilitarized? Was making Ukraine even more dependent on NATO the goal? Here, I think Putin failed. Or perhaps one of his advisors failed. I don’t really care. Calling this demilitarization as miles of convoys out of Poland arm Ukraine is pure cope. This is not demilitarization. It’s de-independent manufacturing.
But, as a case study, let’s look at Chernobyl. Early in the war, the Russians decided to invade one of the most radioactive sites in Europe. As of writing this, they have withdrawn and handed the plant back over to Ukraine. THe Ukrainians found trenches dug in highly radioactive soil. There are reports of many Russian soldiers suffering from radioactive sickness. Was this part of Putin’s genjous plan to demilitarize Ukraine? By getting entire units full of tumors, and then retreating? Call me a progressive, but I think that’s retarded. I think you have to be exceptionally high on copium to call that a smart move.
But let’s also talk about Odessa. For weeks I heard constant anticipation of Russia’s inevitable victory. That it would open the door to a southern push to siege Kiev. That it was the battle of the bulge and other nonsense. That soldiers would flood in from Transnistria and other highly refined copium. None of this ever happened, of course. Instead we heard a steady report of various ships - Russian and not - hitting mines in the region. I actually came into contact with someone with connections to the civilian government there. I was told the Russians actually can’t take the city, because Ukraine has essentially mined the place into a death trap. Yes, we can talk about the ethics of having civilians plant mines around a city. It’s messed up, to be sure. But war is war, and the goal is winning. Here, Ukraine won without needing to fight. The Russians withdrew.
But let’s also talk about Kharkiv. Every week seems to be another report that the city was hours from falling. Over and over again. After a month, it’s still not taken. So much so that it appears those on Russia’s side don’t like talking about it anymore. It’s rather embarrassing that a city just 20 miles from Russia still hasn't been taken after five weeks of battle. This, of course, is a city actually in the Eastern parts that is supposedly part of Putin’s grand master plan in invading Ukraine. Well, why isn’t it taken? Shouldn’t this have been priority number one? Or maybe the Russians were so over-confident that they sent a 40 mile long convoy to Kiev instead of Kharkiv, only to find the cargo was ahead of the bogged-down invading army. Oops!
By the way, let’s also talk about that 40 mile long Cargo collection. Oh yea, that thing you forgot about because nothing happened? Yea, that doesn’t exist anymore. Oops! Russia decided that sending cargo ahead of an army that clearly is never going to make it was probably a retard move (it is, to be clear), and have started to retreat the entire thing. Oh yea, tell me some more copium, dissident right. I’m sure sending 40 miles of cargo to sit on a road for a month and then calling it back was some kind of grand strategy the likes of which my poor IQ will never comprehend. Wild. I only wish to one day read about it alongside D-Day and Iwo Jima. How the brave Russian truck drivers boldly marched forward to form a line of resistance against NATO. I eagerly await.
To have my own little moment of pride, in between the western bullshit of “40,000” dead Russians, and the Dissident Right bullshit of “just 400” or whatever they were saying, I did some math based off confirmed vehicle losses and made a dumb tweet predicting about 1500 Russians had died. Lo and behold, a few days later Russia declared some 1350 had died. I was 150 off. The most accurate news brought to you by some basic math. I invite you all to do similarly instead of listening to the cope in either America or Russia.

See, when you don’t do cope, you ain’t a dope!
Bullshit aside, I want to encourage people to read Charlemange’s substack because even though he’s a total retard on Russia, he’s probably one of the most brillian writers when it comes to dissecting why the Empire of Lies is doomed, and what you should do about it. Please, subscribe and read, and also give his youtube channel a view. I know not all the readers on this blog are in the NRx corner, but you should start learning about it because the current political structures are, indeed, fake and GAE.
Personally, I will continue to take it all in stride. I am actually expecting to get a lot wrong in the end. When Russia does eventually take some Ukrainian clay, you can call me a retard. I will deserve it. I do think they will get some in the end. But let’s be real. Ukraine has to wait, what, 10 years or so until Putin dies? Then in the rush of succession, they will join NATO, EU, LGBTQ, and all the other alphabet retards. All this is delay tactics hoping that some great happening will cripple the GAE before it swallows Russia. I’m too black pilled for that shit. And I’m immune to copium by this point. No, stop hoping. The Empire of Lies will be around longer than you will. I don’t like that, but I’m not going to place my hopes and dreams of a better future on a retard ice manlet whos country still has some of the highest abortion rates and lowest church attendance on the planet.
Now fuck off and find a real hero to defeat the GAE.
Which websites are blocked?