Take Ownership
The Republican party is a demon. A hungry demon. Every twenty odd years, it consumes a political movement to reinvigorate itself, sucking its soul dry, and proceeds to debase that movement as political capital to slug itself forward a few more years. Like a vampire, it cannot exist on its own. It must thirst upon others. At the end of World War II, it consumed the hopes of many libertarians as it promised an end to FDR’s policies and a return to limited government. Never happened. With Nixon it promised “Law and Order!” and victory in Vietnam. It abandoned South East Asia to its fate and expanded government, then ate the president. With Reagan, it promised a return to those good ‘ol days of the post-war era and good Christian values. It instead funneled drugs and guns into the cities and plundered the national coffers on ridiculous science fiction projects. “Oh but he ended the Cold War!” yes reader, he ended the one thing keeping Globohomo in check, opening the door to forever wars we still fight to this day. Let’s just skip the Tea Party, as most of you readers will have witnessed the suck wounds yourself.
At every turn, such political movements were left bitter and driven borderline schizophrenic with their delusions of who caused their failures, when in reality is was them for surrendering that movement. They always surrendered! Weak, cowardly, and afraid of consequences, the conservative movements always retreat and give land away for peace. Now, we see the GOP starting to drool with hunger at the Pavlovian Conditioning the right wing has taught it. Next on the menu: NRx.
I wouldn’t call myself outright Neo Reactionary. I value the views and lessons it offers, but I never take titles. I am writing this with a different desire: I want NRx to poison the demon. To kill it. And I think I know how they can do that now, before they are consumed.
It’s very clear the GOP is getting an appetite for the concepts. Tucker Carlson mentioning Curtis Yarvin - even if he hasn’t read him - will likely get thousands of people searching for his works. The Trump cabinet’s familiarity with the concepts also hinted at it’s mounting entry into mainstream politics. It’s clear they are dosing normie-cons with the scent of NRx. In many ways we’ve already had a reactionary president of sorts, albeit a retarded one. And that proven success will be factored into a likely DeSantis run. More and more Republicans give mention to concepts like the Cathedral and reflecting in their role as an outer party. Albeit more as a stand-in for “Illuminati” than actually reflecting what the Cathedral is. Every time the GOP does this, they grab terms and words and use them as a virtue signal to get your vote. But I must say, and indeed demand something: Do not be satisfied that Tucker “loves” Curtis Yarvin’s works. Ask him why? Do not be Satisfied when Trumpers mention the Cathedral. Ask them what it is?
I mentioned how to choke the demon. I think it comes down to Monarchy. NRx is explicitly monarchical in its views. It disavows democracy. Ask these GOP clowns “Oh, do you agree America needs a monarch?” Ask them “You agree democracy is bad?” Don’t let such GOP mouths eat the ideas and gain your vote. Make it hard to digest. Have them confess the full concepts publicly before all. Name-dropping and virtue signaling NRx is ill-begotten and cheap. If you don’t catch it, you’re low-IQ and really, get out of the NRx movement. You’re just a normie-con. NRx movements must ask these questions and not feel comfortable with such platitudes.
NRx has one advantage that other movements like the Tea Part or Compassionate Conservatives of yester-year lacked: It’s still developing. It’s still being sampled and sniffed out by the GOP. And that is how you make it a poison that kills the demon. Once a GOP mouthpiece confesses that democracy is bad and America needs a king, you then have forced the hand of the GOP. You make them the slave rather than NRx the slave of the GOP. You make them speak your creeds and serve you, and this is key if you want to slay this demon. You must Take Ownership.
This poison pill must be forced down their throats, because the sooner they choke on a political movement, the sooner the corpse can be burned away for a real political movement. Deny the status quo of yet another boomer truth reinterpretation with magic words to get your vote. Take Ownership of what you believe. Don’t be a snack for another decade of failed conservative demonic vampirism. Take some land back for once. Or you soon will have nowhere left to build Trumptonshire.