One of the main contentions in the 2020 election was Donald Trump’s failure to fully do many of the things he promised. He did them all, but all half-assed. The Wall™ was half-built. The Swamp was half-drained. The mid-east pull-out was half-done. And the thing about pull-outs? You can’t half-ass those. Pull out half-way, and you get a full-way to pregnancy.
Any pregnancy will hold within it the half-genes of two parents. But interestingly, these two half-ass genetic codes will fuse into a fully functioning finished job. But pregnancy isn’t only an egg holding genetic potential. It’s also an egg holding cultural potential, and children will always absorb the cultural makeup of their parents. Contrary to genetics, two half-assed parents will not raise a full-ass child. They will raise a failure.
Unintended pregnancies are a funny thing. Unintended pregnancies, especially those between starkly different parents, will create children with incredibly strong tidal fixations. A child of a politician and a whore, such as Brutus, was as tactical as his father (Caesar) and has backstabbing as his mother (Caesar’s camp girl), for example. The same is also true of of nations, should they be born out of the influence of two drastically different culture. The United States, for example, has always had its revolutionary tenancies of its Father France, and the desire for strong stable government of it’s mother, Britain. The results is a schizophrenic nation incapable of consistent policy for longer than 4-8 years. I would also here include the Nephilim, but those were intended pregnancies.
And so we arrive at the bastard child of the Global American Empire, and the Afghan people. Are we really that surprised that this GAE love child of self-inflicted wounds mere months after leaving the nest from the half-assed parenting of both? I’m not. Democracy by its nature will propagate the lowest common denominator, and the LCD of Afghanistan is the Taliban, not the GAE. No matter how many Afghan feminists are paraded through the UN, or how many leaders are droned, or how many bridges built and schools staffed, at the end of the day the strong familial ties and tribal allegiances trumps modernity’s individualism. And geography ensures they had the decades needed to grow and make deeper ties to pull this off.
And so, with its umbilical chord still attached, so ends the reign of the Afghan Republic. So returns the rule of the Afghan Emerite.
Ultimately it doesn’t matter if it’s Trump or Biden or Bush or Obama. They all operated under the same discredited truth regime. The doom of Afghanistan was a time bomb and it was going to blow the hand off of anyone who held it. In many ways it would have been hilarious if Trump had won, and this failure produced a third and likely successful impeachment. Instead we now witness Biden sink into the 40% approval region that he will likely remain in for the rest of his likely single term.
My only question, ironically, has little to do with US politics. My question is: why did Tony Blair abandon his return to politics but a few days before the Taliban started taking cities? What did his NGO’s know that the GAE intelligence apparatus didn’t? That’s something to carry on with you for future failed offspring of the GAE.
In the meantime, lock your doors and wear some chainmail. 2014’s refugee crises is about to happen all over again. Oh and I am excited to see what Iran and China do with the US hardware the Taliban will sell them.