A couple of thoughts.

First, the hard science. Oumuamua may have been solid hydrogen. It is cold enough in deep space for hydrogen to freeze, hydrogen condensate, although there is a lot of uncertainty about whether it would clump into large Oumuamua sized objects. As it gets close to the sun it sublimates hydrogen, which would be hard to detect. Oumuamua-esque objects maybe how the Earth acquired its oceans.


Second, David Grusch fails the oubliette test. The US government locks up leakers and throws away the key. Julian Assange, Reality Winner, Bradley Manning, and a half dozen others since Obama. And that's for the kind of stuff that everyone already knows the state does. For ultra top secret alien technology the stakes would be higher and I imagine the secret keepers would have taken a Hillary "can't we just drone this guy" Clinton approach.

As for advanced extraterrestrial civilizations, I think that there is a variable missing from the Drake Equation. Whether or not the civilization cares about space. I think western civilization may be an anomaly and most intelligent life has no interest in venturing out into the void.

Great article. And I imagine that we are both looking forward to the Square Kilometer Array. If they are out there, that's how we are going to find them.

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Of note: Mauro Biglino, an expert in ancient Aramaic and proto-Hebrew, who is frequently called on by the Vatican and head Rabbis for translations of ancient texts, wrote a great book: The Naked Bible.

it appears the Old Testament actually describes what appears to be a race of space aliens, with advanced technology, posing as gods. Highly recommend.

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