"There is a principal that all objects in motion are a result of a motion being pushed upon it by another object in motion. This was used to prove there must be a first mover, aka God."

When St Thomas speaks about this movement in the Summa, he's not speaking about physical objects hitting each other. This would be called an accidental causal chain, which is a chain of what is called Secondary Causality, or creatures acting on each other.

He's speaking about the relation such as how matter constitutes a body, or an essentially ordered chain. This ultimately is God's causality of the universe (as the Epistle to the Hebrews says, when it says in the first three verses that Christ upholds all things). This is called Primary Causality, which is God's causal relationship with creatures.

"The claim is that one cannot motivate themselves. "

He also, along with Aristotle, will also say that Humanity is actually noted for their ability to move themselves to action without any exterior mover in the sense of accidentally ordered chains. They are, however, moved by God according primary causality

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The Restoration Bureau produces Soviet style artwork on modern and post-liberal themes. They just did one on "The Ship of State": https://restorationbureau.substack.com/p/the-ship-of-state-2c0

It's worth noting that Plato's ship of state metaphor was actually a fairly biting critique of democracy. To paraphrase, democracy is a strong captain who is overpowered by a half-drunk and reckless crew, each of whom insist on the right to steer even though none have ever learned the art of navigation. Plato would be surprised we've lasted as long as we have.

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