In late February I did my degree of cope. I was convinced Russia would never bother to invade Ukraine. I know my history. Ukraine is called a frontier region for a reason: Apart from a few pretty cities, Ukraine is pretty much a giant breadbasket that can only exist by selling grain to someone for *just* enough cash flow to build basic infrastructure and provide basic services. If you compare Ukraine’s nightly glow to a a similar population like Poland, it becomes readily apparent just how underdeveloped Ukraine is. The idea that Russia would invade this field of mud and wheat seemed to be a feat of mental retardation only accomplishable by leaders in their final years.
But Russia did invade. I was wrong. And I can admit that.
I can also happily say I saw Russia would get bogged down and fail at many of its goals. How? Because Ukraine is a fucking mud plain. And just as the saying goes, “Don’t invade Russia in winter”, so is the saying “Don’t invade Ukraine in spring”. Kyiv region experiences 15 rainy days a month for most of the year. This becomes very dangerous once the winter breaks and the ice melts. Flooding of the Dnieper can get pretty bad.
Ironically, most of the invasion locations are directly in the Dnieper flood plain. Utterly insane. Also easily predictable.
So when I started “Shilling” for Ukraine in early March, I got constant pushback of “Too early” or “Too stupid”. by many people. But I knew, of course, that once mid March rolled in and the average temperature rose above freezing, you’d see the mud do the bulk of the fighting for Ukraine, just as winter does the bulk of the fighting in Russia.
And so, the line of cope began.
First, the eager beavers made comparisons to Iraq takin a month. Surely within a month Ukraine would fall! When you take away the already-taken territory of Crimea and Donbass, the size is about the same.
Then, when the progress started to stall, came the claims of encircling the Ukrainian army in the East and the prepared sea landings at Odessa (Both of which never came)
Then came the arguments about avoiding civilian casualties, ands genuine care for the Ukrainian people, all the while Russia began flooding their ranks with more foreign and domestic mercenaries from Syria and Chennya, a clear evidence that the initial invasion was hitting a wall, or a mud flat as I would say.
Finally, we stand here at just over a month later. The Russians announced they never meant to take Kiev or deal with occupying the country (even though regime change was their official goal), and that they would now focus on Donbass alone.
And now, the floodgates of cope-addicted frustrated western men are unleashed.
The reason for this is clear. The dissident right was an eager beaver for yet another Western L to parade around their pronouncement of the premature demise of the West’s pride. And this is well-deserved! The West was taking many Ls recently. The fuck up of Afghanistan and the explosion of inflation are two obvious ones. But expecting the past year to reflect onto the situation in Ukraine was a rush to push a pattern that simply wasn’t there. The shots of US marines fleeing the embassies of Ukraine never happened. The push-over Ukrainian army never fell down. The based and trad Russian soldiers were not celebrated as liberators.
And that’s not say the West’s projection has been at all tolerable. The insufferable parade of activists and clueless baboons acting like Ukraine is a beacon of democracy and progress in the East, all the while Ukraine’s government officially recognized a Neo Nazi army in its midst, has been embarrassing. But I will not give the dissident right any forgiveness for the radioactive raw copium rods they’ve been sucking down their Meige's syndrome mouth.
There is an entirely realistic possibility that when this war is done, those Neo Nazis will be heralded as heroes - assuming they aren’t exterminated. If not them, some other nationalist force. Ukraine is going to get divided, very likely. Or at least have a massive victimhood complex for years to come, with or without its eastern provinces. The set up here should be obvious: Ukraine is going to become extremely right wing. Along with other anti-Russian forces in the EU, there’s a fairly decent chance that ten years down the road, this will form, the bulkhead of some alternative to either the EU or Russia. And the dissident right could have cheered this on instead of taking the L backing Russia.
Of course, when the western media says bullshit like 40,000 dead on Russia’s side this is insane. It’s likewise retarded to think Russia only lost a few hundred. My own estimates are only 150 off from official figures, and I stand with great pride now with the most accurate figures of this war in-between the propaganda of the Global American Empire (GAE) And Putin’s failed State.
Beyond that, I’m not going to waste my time naming names and case-studying the embarrassment. The cringetuber AltHistoryHub has done a pretty good job as documenting the shifting sands of Russian goals over the past month as their progressive failures have added up. You can stifle through his tweets if you’re into that shit: AlternateHistoryHub (@AltHistoryHub) / Twitter
Really what I want to do, is point out the enormous L the dissident R is taking for picking a dog in this fight. A fight, I will remind you, between two WEF young leaders, both in-bed with Israeli oligarchs. If the dissident right has any sense, they would have kept their gaping soyfaces shut and point and laugh at the west when they fund literal nazis because they have a hard-on against Russia. You could have sat by the side-lines and collected more members out of people who can see how ridiculous this war is. Instead you picked a dog, and not only any dog, the dog that was clearly a decrepit old boomer who was going to fuck this up, and he did fuck this up. And now you’re bag-holding your shit investment to save face at your shit takes of a shithole country invading a fucking flood plain in spring and expecting it would go well.
Get fucking real.
Or keep sucking down your copium. I don’t care. Twitter is free. I’ll stick around to laugh at the jokes.

Whatever happens, if the dissident right wants to avoid looking as retarded as the regimes they are dissident against, it’s best to not pick dogs in these fights. Sooner or later you’ll realize the dogs have the same owners and he doesn’t care who wins, so long as the paying customers keep coming to watch.
Just some quick thoughts.
I like your opinion.
Its refreshing that some in our circles have sensible takes on the conflict.
Putin and Russia are not based or trad. Russia has terrible abortion rates, low church attendance -despite the fact that they have been building more churches than ever, and Putin has buddies from a certain 'Chosen' group (Arkady and Boris Rotenberg to be specific).