Where does Japan fall into all of this? I ask as they are remarkably different in attitude, tastes and in many ways from the Chinese/Koreans, or the South-Asians, or from the Mongolians? I'm not sure grouping all of Asia together fully works.

There is also some measure of difference between Scandinavians, the French and the Germans I have noticed, what of those?

I ask not to doubt but to clarify, this was a brilliant article.

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They seem to be an amalgamation of several groups. Their civilization is only 2000 years old, far younger then most. The architecture draws more from styles in the Philippines and the culture borrows from the continent. Their writing system, very oddly, shares the most similarity to Babylonian Hebrew, along with imported Chinese signage. And of course, other than its native Shinto, large portions of its beliefs are imported from India.

It is likely these aspects aren't ancient migrations, but rather Japan growing out of trade through the Indian/ middle east routes.

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True, what is more is that the Ainu/Emishi people have links to the Siberian regions, with these Ainu people having interbred with the Yamato/Yamatai people who arrived from the Continent around the first millennia BC, and afterwards they were colonised by the Chinese during the Qin period, and there was to be interactions going forward all the way into the Cao-Wei period/Three Kingdoms period of China.

The Japanese were to establish a client kingdom during the Three Kingdoms Wars that lasted for a thousand years in Korea, with this Japanese-Korean kingdom known as Mimana I believe.

That said, they interbred a lot culturally as you said with India & Philippines, but were to interact genetically a great deal until the Heian-jidai with the Koreans. Afterwards they moved in their own direction culturally, to become what they're famous for (the Bushii).

I did my major on Japanese history, and have more connections in terms of friends and such out there, than I do in North-America (where I was born). And though I'm French, and wish to immigrate to France, Japan was briefly my home and is still my favourite nation.

Hope you didn't mind my picking up the conversation about them, I hold a love for all Asia due to my time there and my friends from Japan, Korea & China and the Philippines, and my research about them. But Japan in particular is precious to me.

Thank you Ælþemplær I appreciate your humouring me when you didn't have to. Btw, I really enjoyed your stream with Ozkii, you've a brilliant mind, do keep polishing it mon ami.

One last question though; what are your thoughts on the difference between us French and other Europeans? I consider the French to be rather more a mix of Latin & Celtique cultures than having all that much Germanic to them, what are your thoughts on this line of thinking? You seem to know a great deal more about metaphysics and such than I, so wanted your opinion on this matter (which is linked to the Gaullish era & Roman conquete de France, and the further development of France into a Christian state and their own direction over the course of the next few centuries).

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